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1. .NET programming

NET framework — top 5 advantages:

  • service-oriented architecture (SOA), which translates into better availability and scalability,
  • code reuse, for cost-effective and fast programming;
  • stable, secure and reliable software solutions;
  • active support from Microsoft and .NET communities;
  • flexible implementation and easy software maintenance

2. Azure Cloud Storage

Azure Cloud — top 5 advantages:

  • super easy app implementation;
  • unlimited software scaling options;
  • quick access to the applications from any place in the world;
  • efficiency in time and cost;
  • no need to invest in internal servers

3. Web, desktop and mobile apps

Web apps:

  • We build them using the .NET framework and .NET Core, along with the Windows Communication Foundation and WebApi.
  • For frontend purposes, apart from frameworks such as AngularJS or React.js, we also use ASP.NET


Desktop apps:

  • We design user interfaces in accordance with Microsoft standards and guidelines, using the multifunctional WPF platform.
  • We also utilize some time-saving solutions provided by DevExpress.


Mobile apps:

  • We focus on achieving maximum effectiveness, by harnessing technologies that allow us to build apps for different operating systems in the most time-saving and cost-effective manner.
  • This is why we value React Native so highly — it’s an all-embracing framework both for iOS and Android that offers a lot of leeway and, as a result, we don’t have to do the coding twice